Dear Fellow Psychologist:
Please accept our invitation to initiate or renew your membership in the Utah Psychological Association, the only professional organization representing and speaking for the interests of psychologists and the communities we serve.
Promotion of Psychology
UPA plays a critical role in the ongoing discussions of vital issues regarding psychology science, education, and practice.
- UPA participates in the drafting of critical state laws and regulations related to our field. Last year UPA was instrumental in defining scope of practice language and qualifications for substance abuse disorder counselors. This year, UPA played an active role in the passing of HB56 which allows for and regulates the practice of remote therapy.
- UPA is part of the Telepsychology Task Force exploring regulatory opportunities to allow for interjursidictional telepsychology practice.
- UPA continues to work actively with the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing to address circumstances with attendant security and protections under which clinical supervision may be accomplished via electronic means.
- UPA is advocating for certified psychology residents to be designated as “mental health therapists,” thus permitting them to be employed in city, county and state positions that require mental health therapists.
- UPA’s ongoing Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards program is continuing to cultivate the relationship between Psychology and Utah businesses. The awards are designed to recognize organizations for their efforts to foster employee health and well-being while enhancing organizational performance.
- Nationally, UPA is represented on the APA Council. The Council has created the Center for Psychology and Health which focuses on healthcare issues and reform; and on economic aspects of healthcare and psychology such as CPT coding value and lobbying for the inclusion of psychologists in the Medicare physician definition.
Membership Benefits
- Members Only forum listserv in which issues relevant to you are discussed
- Professional development workshops that are discounted for members
- Successful lobbying and education efforts for mental health issues
- Ethics Committee to guide us in maintaining high standards within our profession
- Members-Only access to key professional informational areas of our website
- Referral services to members
- Public Education Committee providing relevant information to our community to enhance psychological well-being as well as promoting the profession of psychology.
UPA’s advocacy for professional psychology affects ALL UTAH PSYCHOLOGISTS. UPA’s ability to protect and enhance psychology education, science and practice is dictated by budget, and the costs of these efforts need to be shared by all psychologists benefiting from such efforts. We hope you will support your professional organization. Any increased financial support directly allows UPA to expand its involvement in all relevant areas of education, research, regulation, and delivery of service.

Membership is pending board approval. Refunds are given if approval is not given.
100% of your UPA dues MAY be tax deductible as a business expense. Check with your tax advisor: 15% of dues are used to support lobbying efforts.