Utah Psychological Association

UPA Approved Events 


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    • September 20, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    • Live Zoom Webinar
    Registration is closed

    The Utah Psychological Association,


    Culturally Responsive Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Tips, Tools, and Techniques

    Presented by Pamela A. Hays

    3.5 CE Credits

    Course Overview

    In this workshop, you’ll learn a groundbreaking framework for integrating multicultural considerations into psychotherapy. The framework begins with the ADDRESSING acronym which highlights marginalized communities related to Age and generational influences, Developmental or other Disability, Religion and spirituality, Ethnic and racialized identity, Socioeconomic status, Sexual orientation, Indigenous heritage, National origin, and Gender.

    You will learn six absolute essentials for culturally responsive practice, and how to use the Cultural Self-Assessment to pinpoint your learning edges.

    You’ll acquire practical, strengths-oriented strategies to ensure accurate, helpful, and culturally responsive assessments.

    Finally, you will learn practical strategies, tools, and techniques for facilitating culturally responsive therapy. Specific tools include the Personal Strengths Inventory, Compassion Voice, Wise Elder, the Most Generous Interpretation Technique, and more.

    Learning Objectives

    Participants in this training will achieve the following objectives/core competencies:

    1. Apply the ADDRESSING framework to increase your understanding of and connection to clients of diverse identities.
    2. Analyze your own ongoing Cultural Self-Assessment.
    3. Create a Personal Strengths Inventory for clients that recognizes culturally based strengths and supports.
    4. Implement at least three cognitive, behavioral, or interpersonal tools and techniques to facilitate treatment success.

    Personal Strengths Inventory, Compassion Voice, Wise Elder, the Most Generous Interpretation Technique, and more.

    Presenter Bio:

    Pamela Hays, Ph.D.

    Pamela Hays holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Hawaii, an M.S. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Alaska, a B.A. in psychology from New Mexico State University, and a certificate in French from La Sorbonne in Paris. From 1987-1988, she served as NIMH postdoctoral fellow at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, followed by 11 years on the graduate faculty of Antioch University Seattle. Her research has included work with Tunisian women in North Africa, and Southeast Asian people in the United States. She is the author of several books and articles including Addressing Cultural Complexities in Counseling and Clinical Practice: An Intersectional Approach (2022), and APA has produced numerous training videos of her work with clients. Since 2000, Pam has been back on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska where she has worked in community mental health and with the Dena’ina Wellness Center. For more information on her books, videos, workshops, and clinical practice, see www.drpamelahays.com.

    Registration Fees:

       UPA Members Non-Members 
     Early bird registration active through September 13, 2024  $75 $125
     After early bird registration $100  $150

     UPA Student/Resident Members Non-Member Students /Residents
     No Charge  $15

    Register online at:   www.utpsych.org  OR Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337

    • October 18, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Live Zoom Webinar

    The Utah Psychological Association, presents

    Charting Your Path: Navigating Your Journey as an Early Career Psychologist

    DATE:  Friday, October 18, 2024

    TIME:  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

    Course Overview

    Have you ever thought, “If I’d only known then what I know now?” Now you can! This webinar is designed to help early career psychologists avoid trial-and-error learning by providing key tips to maximize professional success. Our presenter, Dr. Jennifer M. Taylor, will guide you through your own professional journey by sharing insights from her experience, moving from early career to mid-career.

    During this webinar, we will explore your personalized MAP—Meaning in your career, Assessment of barriers, and opportunities to Play along the way (e.g., engaging in restorative self-care practices). You will identify and address construction barricades (barriers to flourishing), discover road construction areas (areas for improvement), find your E-Z Pass Lane (tangible strategies to overcome barriers), take advantage of rest areas (self-care opportunities), and find your parking spot (your purpose). By the end of this experiential webinar, you'll be equipped with new professional development strategies and ready to enjoy your early career journey more fully!

    Learning Objectives:

    • Describe two common challenges faced by early career psychologists and how to overcome them.
    • Identify at least one self-care strategy that resonates with you to manage burnout.
    • Develop at least one “Commitment to Change”—a specific strategy to enhance your professional success.

    Presenter Bio:

     Jennifer M. Taylor, PhD, is the Senior Director of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Office of Continuing Education Sponsor Approval and until last year, was an early career psychologist (ECP) herself. Prior to her role at APA, she served as an Associate Professor of Counseling and Counseling Psychology and the Program Director for Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Utah. Additionally, she worked as an Assistant Professor at West Virginia University and an Instructor at the University of Florida.

    She has written and presented extensively on best practices in continuing education and lifelong learning for professional psychologists and mentoring in graduate school and has provided numerous national talks to support early career psychologist career/professional development. She also served as a guest editor for multiple journals focusing on best practices in education. Her clinical work includes counseling at a career center consistently ranked among the top in the nation, multiple university counseling centers, a community college center serving international and first-generation college students, a psychiatric hospital, a high school working with predominately underrepresented students, and a counseling center for low-income women and children. Dr. Taylor has received several grants and teaching awards, including the University of Utah College of Education Early Career Teaching Award, the University of Utah Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Leadership in Ethics Education Award, the university-wide Graduate Student Teaching Award at the University of Florida, and the American Psychological Association’s Cynthia D. Belar Education Advocacy Distinguished Service Award. In addition to her commitment to education, she is deeply passionate about social justice and advocacy.

    Registration Fees:

       UPA Members Non-Members 
     Early bird registration through October 11, 2024  $50 $65
     After early bird registration $60  $75

     UPA Student/Resident Members Non-Member Students /Residents
     FREE  $10

    Register online at:   www.utpsych.org  OR Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337

    • November 01, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Live Zoom Webinar

    The Utah Psychological Association,


    Planning Ahead for Closing a Practice: Considerations for retirement, disability, and death of a mental health practitioner

    Presented by Jamie Brass, Psy.D.

    2.0 CE Credits

    Click here for a brief introduction from Dr. Jamie Brass about this offering.

    Passcode for introduction: &dNs*u05

    Course Overview

    This presentation addresses critical aspects of practice management for psychologists in solo or small group settings, focusing on ethical and legal considerations for retirement or unexpected practice closure. Participants will explore:

    1. Local and national regulations governing practice closure
    2. Establishing a professional will to guide representatives in unforeseen circumstances
    3. Selecting and preparing a professional representative
    4. Ethical considerations in client notification and transition of care
    5. Records management, including retention and ensuring client access
    6. Financial and administrative aspects of closing a practice

    The course aims to equip psychologists with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop comprehensive plans for practice transition or closure, ensuring compliance with ethical standards and legal requirements while prioritizing client care and confidentiality.

    This valuable session will benefit practitioners at all career stages, promoting proactive planning for retirement or unexpected events that may impact one's ability to maintain a practice.

    Learning Objectives

    Attendees will be able to:

    Name three elements to consider when crafting a professional will.

    • Identify at least three entities to notify in the event of a closure of practice.
    • Outline a personal plan for managing records and, after the required retention period, securely disposing of them.
    • Identify steps to take to notify clients in the event of an unexpected closure of the practice.

    Presenter Bio:

    Jamie E. Brass, PsyD

    Jamie E. Brass, PsyD is a native of Utah and has worked and studied in several other states. As mid-career psychologist working for a medical group, she enjoys working in general psychology practice and draws on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy to help clients develop skills and strategies in order to accomplish their mental health goals. Jamie has been involved in professional service with UPA in several capacities and as a member of the former Division of Professional Licensing Psychology Board. Her interest in professional wills started as part of a learning series for early career psychologists, and she is the owner of Professional Will Management, LLC.

    Registration Fees:

       UPA Members Non-Members 
     Early bird registration through October 25, 2024  $50 $60
     After early bird registration $65  $75

     UPA Student/Resident Members Non-Member Students /Residents
     No Charge  $5

    Register online at:   www.utpsych.org  OR Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337

address: 5442 South 900 East, Suite 512, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 | phone: (801) 410-0337 | emailutahpsych@gmail.com
Accept Online Payments

UPA CE events are typically held on Fridays and are fully refundable until noon on the Wednesday preceding them. 

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