Utah Psychological Association
Kelly Glazer Baron PhD, MPH, CBSM is Director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program and Assistant Professor in the Neurology Department at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine. She is recipient of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Mentored Patient Oriented Research Award. Her research interests include circadian rhythms and obesity, behavioral treatments for sleep disorders in medical populations, social and family aspects of sleep disorders. His clinical practice includes individual and group cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for CPAP intolerance, hypnosis for parasomnias, and cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety. She has an extensive research bibliography.
This program will focus on the following topics:
Sleep 101
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders Evaluation and Treatment
Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders
BSM Training and Certification
Case Discussions: Cases brought by participants
Cancelation policy: UPA CE events are typically held on Fridays and are fully refundable until noon on the Wednesday preceding them.