Utah Psychological Association presents:
Prolonged Exposure for the Treatment of PTSD
Tom Mullin, PhD

Tom Mullin, PhD is a psychologist in the PTSD Clinic at the George E. Whalen Department of VA Medical Center in Salt Lake City and is the current President of the Utah Psychological Association. He completed his MS in counseling in 1999 and a PhD in Counseling Psychology in 2005 at the University of Utah. During his tenure at the Salt Lake City VA, he has earned VA training certificates in the evidence-based treatments of Cognitive Processing Therapy as well as Prolonged Exposure for the treatment of PTSD. He has also provided PTSD treatment services to veterans both in person and through telemental health services to VA clinics in Montana and Colorado through the VA PTSD Telemental Health Hub based in Salt Lake City.
He co-directs the APA Accredited Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship at the George E. Whalen VA Medical Center and is also is on the psychology training committee, supervising psychology practicum students and predoctoral interns. He holds academic appointments as adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Educational Psychology and Clinical Psychology at the University of Utah. In addition, Dr. Mullin is a nationwide consultant for VA mental health providers who are training in the Prolonged Exposure as administered by the VA.
This workshop will provide an overview of Prolonged Exposure (PE) for the treatment of PTSD. This Evidence-Based approach developed by Edna Foa, PhD and colleagues has been adopted by the VA Healthcare System as one of the primary treatments offered for veterans with PTSD.
Since Dr. Mullin primarily, but not exclusively, works with military-related PTSD, there will be an emphasis on the application of PE to veterans. PE is applicable to non-veteran populations and was originally designed for the treatment of sexual trauma.
Learning Goals and Objectives
Review of the symptoms and diagnosis of PTSD
Provide an overview of Prolonged Exposure in the treatment of PTSD
Cover session-by-session objectives for PE
Facilitate participants in in-vivo exercises to practice delivering PE treatment rationales and receive feedback.
Address research supporting the use of Prolonged Exposure as a treatment for PTSD
Important prerequisite
Prior to attending this workshop, attendees need to complete the PEWeb free online training for Prolonged Exposure at http://pe.musc.edu/. This online training was developed in collaboration Veteran Affairs and includes contributions from clinicians and researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina, University of Pennsylvania, and the VA Palo Alto HCS/National Center for PTSD.
PEWeb itself awards 10 units of Continuing Education for those completing all 13 modules. A Certificate of Completion is available for printing when you submit the final evaluation. Please bring the printed certificate with you when you come to the UPA workshop.
The UPA workshop will expand on these base materials and give participants in-vivo experiences of describing PE rationales and the ability to actually discuss the application of PE to cases. I will also provide a peer-to-peer discussion about the use of Prolonged Exposure in the treatment of PTSD. It is not designed to provide "official" certification in the delivery of Prolonged Exposure.
Rates and Payment Information:
Early Bird Registration:
UPA Member Early Bird: $125
Non Member Early Bird: $225
Early Bird Registration expires one week prior to the event.
Regular Registration:
UPA Member: $150
Non Member: $250
UPA Student Member: $15
Student Non Member: $45
Register online at www.utpsych.org
To pay by phone, please contact UPA Executive Director Teresa Bruce at (801) 410-0337
Make checks payable to Utah Psychological Association.
Day of event registration begins at 9:00 AM.
Cancelations with full refund accepted one week prior to the event.
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