Utah Psychological Association presents:
Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders Using the ADOS-2
Julia Connelly, PhD
Friday, October 14, 2016
This workshop will teach participants the process and tools for comprehensive assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with a specific focus on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2). With the incidence of autism on the rise and importance of early and correct diagnosis, the demand for ASD assessments is high. We will discuss common referral questions that raise concern about autism across the lifespan and review appropriate assessment tools before introducing the ADOS-2. Participants will learn about the 5 different modules, when to use which module, and become familiar with administration and scoring rules. Lastly, we will discuss how to integrate ADOS-2 results into a comprehensive assessment.
1. Develop awareness of referral questions flagging possible ASD diagnosis specific to age and developmental levels (When is an ASD assessment warranted?)
2. Select appropriate tools for ASD assessment depending on age and developmental level
3. Understand appropriate use of the ADOS-2, including strengths and weaknesses of the tool
4. Be able to select appropriate ADOS-2 Module depending on age and developmental level
5. Understand basic administration and scoring rules for all ADOS-2 Modules
6. Be able to accurately interpret and integrate ADOS-2 results into a comprehensive ASD assessment
Julia Connelly was born and raised in Leipzig, Germany .She moved to Utah in 1997 and received a BS in Psychology, BA in German, and MS and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Utah. Her research focus throughout her education was on autism spectrum disorders, specifically interventions for difficult to manage behaviors. Dr. Connelly completed a predoctoral internship at the University Neuropsychiatric Institute , preparing her to work with patients of all ages and wide ranging psychiatric symptoms. She also spent time during her post-doctoral residence at the Neurobehavior HOME program and at UNI. She worked as a school psychologist for Jordan School District before returning to UNI, primarily working with children and adolescents and their families. She has been the clinical director at the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic since the summer of 2013, focusing on expanding available services for individuals affected by ASD of any age and their families, including assessment, group therapy, and individual therapy to address co-occurring conditions, such as ADHD, anxiety, and depression, as well as behavioral problems. One of her primary interests is the assessment of girls and women for ASD as they are easily missed and misdiagnosed.
Rates and Payment Information:
Early Bird Registration:
UPA Member Early Bird: $125
Non Member Early Bird: $225
Early Bird Registration expires one week prior to the event.
Regular Registration:
UPA Member: $150
Non Member: $250
UPA Student Member: $15
Student Non Member: $45
Register online at www.utpsych.org
To pay by phone, please contact UPA Executive Director Teresa Bruce at 801.410.0337
Make checks payable to Utah Psychological Association.
Day of event registration begins at 8:00 AM.
Cancelations with full refund accepted one week prior to the event.
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