Utah Psychological Association presents:
Basics of Telepsychology Practice
Jamie E. Brass, Psy.D.
Join Utah Psychological Association’s Lunchtime Learning series webinar on Telepsychology to learn more about providing services to clients using video conferencing and other technology. This webinar will provide an overview of practical information you need to develop a legal and ethical practice using telepsychology. You will learn basic information about the technology needed, tips for therapy sessions when clients are not in the same room, and information about practice limitations.
Following this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify benefits and limitations to telepsychology.
- Discuss establishment of policies and procedures related to legal and ethical practice of telepsychology.
- Identify technology options for starting a telepsychology practice.
- List three resources for learning more about telepsychology.
Rates and Payment Information:
The Lunchtime Learning webinar series is offered for free to UPA members as a member benefit. It is not available to non-members. This event offers 1 CEU to participants who demonstrate attendance and complete and return a quiz following completion of the webinar.
There is a two-step registration process for this webinar. After you register for this event on the UPA website, you will be sent a link to register for the webinar through Zoom. Information on completing your quiz and receiving your CEU will be sent to you when you register for the webinar. The quiz itself will be delivered the day after the webinar. If you do not receive a confirmation from UPA with the webinar link, please contact Teresa Bruce at
801.410.0337 before the start of the webinar to get the link.
This is a webinar series and registrants are responsible for making sure they meet the system requirements for accessing the webinar through Zoom. Please visit https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362023-System-Requirements-for-PC-and-Mac to learn more.
Register online at www.utpsych.org
To pay by phone, please contact UPA Executive Director Teresa Bruce at 801.410.0337
Make checks payable to Utah Psychological Association.
Not a member of UPA? Please consider joining. UPA has historically helped define the role of psychology in Utah and continues to play a strong role in making sure that psychologist have a voice in State legislation, licensing changes, and scope of practice. There are some very real challenges over the next several years that will require the support of as many psychologists as possible. Please visit www.utpsych.org or call (801) 410-0337 to join.