Utah Psychological Association presents:
HIPAA Compliance 2017
3.0 CE hours
Friday, May 12, 2017
Course Overview:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), passed in 1996, and implemented in 2003, has become the standard of care in regard to security and privacy of electronic storage and transmission by which all practicing psychologists will be judged, regardless of their billing practices. The HIPAA Privacy Rule was amended with the passage of The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) in 2009. The HIPAA Omnibus Rule, released in January, 2013, finalized the Breach Notification Rule and made several critical changes to the Business Associate Rule. This workshop will provide a basic and practical understanding of HIPAA requirements for privacy and security, including attention to breach notification, business associate agreements, use of personal devices (computers, smart phones, tablets), internet-based (“cloud”) services, online presence (website, social media), and electronic health records. HIPAA / Utah state law preemptions will also be reviewed. Finally, HIPAA and its application to the burgeoning area of telepsychology services will be examined.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the basic privacy and security requirements of HIPAA
- Understand how to achieve compliance with the HIPAA Omnibus Rule
- Know how to incorporate HIPAA-compliant practices for use of personal devices, internet-based services, and professional website
- Identify application of HIPAA to telepsychology services
About the Speaker:
Dr. Nanci C. Klein is well known in the Salt Lake City, Utah community as a clinician, educator, and advocate. She has worked in the mental health field since 1973, and has maintained a private out-patient psychotherapy practice in Salt Lake City, Utah since 1986. Dr. Klein has served as the Director of Professional Affairs for the Utah Psychological Association for over 20 years. In this capacity she has managed psychology’s agenda at the Utah State Legislature. She has overseen the passage of legislation providing for psychologist licensing at the awarding of the doctoral degree, passage of a mental health parity law, deterred efforts to subsume psychology licensing under a mental health therapist omnibus licensing act, accomplished passage of a bill giving postdoctoral psychology residents formal status as credentialed professionals, and passage of legislation regulating remote supervision and the practice of remote therapy. In the 2017 Utah legislative session Dr. Klein managed the unanimous passage of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT), making Utah the second state to join the national compact to regulate the practice of telepsychology and the time-limited practice of face-to-face psychology services across state lines.
UPA Members:
$62.50 before May 5, 2017
$87.50 After May 5, 2017
$112.50 before May 5, 2017
$137.50 After May 5, 2017
UPA Students
$ 7.50 before May 5, 2017
$ 12.50 After May 5, 2017
Students Non Member
$20.00 before May 5, 2017
$35.00 After May 5, 2017
How to register:
Visit www.utpsych.org
Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337
Mail check to UPA, 5442 South 900 East, Ste. 512, SLC, UT 84117.
Day of event, registration begins at 12:30 PM
Event starts at 1:00 PM