Utah Psychological Association
The Trust
Psychological Practice Sequence VII: Working with Couples and Families, Risk Management with the Suicidal Patient, and Legal and Ethical Issues presented by Retirement
Friday, September 29, 2017
Workshop Summary:
The times they are a changing. The continued dominance of managed care companies over third party reimbursement and the new uncertainty created by the Affordable Care Act in both the private and public sectors have increased the complexity of the legal and regulatory environment faced by psychologists. In this unpredictable environment, the need to avoid adverse disciplinary events remains an important priority and an active risk management strategy is still an essential element of professional practice.
After a brief introduction describing The Trust’s Risk Management Philosophy and Strategy, this workshop will focus on three specific topic areas: working with couples and families, working with potentially suicidal clients, and the ethical and legal challenges of developing a professionally and personally appropriate retirement strategy. The workshop is applicable to psychologists working in all types of settings where health services are provided.
6 Ethics Continuing Education Credits
15% off your Trust Sponsored Professional Liability Policy premium (for 2 consecutive years at policy renewal).
Learning Objectives:
Discuss The Trust Risk Management Philosophy, including strategies for identifying high risk situations and managing professional practice risks.
Identify strategies for managing potential conflicts in conjoint treatment with couples and families.
Identify risk management strategies in working with children with particular emphasis on the risks associated with divorced or divorcing families.
Identify essential risk management strategies for assessing and managing outpatient suicide risk.
Identify “post-vention” strategies for managing risk after a patient suicide.
Identify “self care” strategies for psychologists who have suffered the loss of a patient to suicide.
Describe the different professional retirement pathways.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of various strategies in planning for your own personal and professional retirement.
Describe how to effectively and ethically close a professional practice.
About the Speaker: Daniel O. Taube, J.D.

Daniel O. Taube earned his J.D. from Villanova University in 1985, and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Hahnemann University in 1987, as a member of the Hahnemann Villanova Joint Psychology and Law Graduate Program. He is a full professor at the California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco at Alliant University, past Psy.D. program Director, founder and coordinator of the Forensic Family Child Track and member of the Child Family Track. His areas of professional focus include legal and ethical issues in professional practice, child protection, addictions, and disability and parenting. In addition to his teaching and research interests, he has been in private practice for 23 years, and has served on the APA Ethics Appeal Panel for the past 20 years.
Rates and Payment Information:
Early Bird Registration:
UPA Member Early Bird: $125
Non Member Early Bird: $225
Early Bird Registration expires one week prior to the event.
Regular Registration:
UPA Member: $150
Non Member: $250
UPA Student Member: $15
Student Non Member: $45
Register online at www.utpsych.org
To pay by phone, please contact UPA Executive Director Teresa Bruce at 801.410.0337
Make checks payable to Utah Psychological Association.
Day of event:
Registration begins at 8:30 am
Event starts at 9:00 am
Underground Parking at the Salt Lake City Public Library.
Cancelations with full refund accepted one week prior to the event.
Not a member of UPA? Please consider joining. UPA has historically helped define the role of psychology in Utah and continues to play a strong role in making sure that psychologist have a voice in State legislation, licensing changes, and scope of practice. There are some very real challenges over the next several years that will require the support of as many psychologists as possible. Please visit www.utpsych.org or call (801) 410-0337 to join.