Cross Cultural Mental Healthcare of Non-Binary and Transgender Adults
Presented by: Jordan Rullo, Ph.D. ABPP
February 23, 2018
Registration: 8:30 A.M.
Workshop: 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
6.0 CE Hours
This workshop includes an in-depth discussion on best practices for transgender mental healthcare in adults, with an emphasis on cross cultural care. Key topics will include diagnosis and assessment of gender dysphoria, a model for guiding an individual during their gender journey, the utilization of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care and the core components of writing a letter for support for medically necessary surgical intervention (e.g., genital reconstructive surgery).
Learning Objectives:
List and explain the current nomenclature for the spectrum of gender diversity
Describe best practices for transgender mental healthcare
Recall the core components of a diagnostic assessment for gender dysphoria
- Define a model for guiding an individual through their gender journey
- Describe the WPATH Standards of Care and how to use them in practice
- Recall the information needed to write a strong letter for support of medically necessary surgical intervention
Presenter Biography:
Jordan Rullo, PhD, ABPP is a Board Certified Clinical Health Psychologist, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Assistant Professor at Mayo Clinic in the Department of Psychology and Psychiatry and the Division of General Internal Medicine. She has trained in multidisciplinary transgender health programs in Toronto, ON and Minneapolis, MN, and helped develop the Mayo Clinic Transgender and Intersex Specialty Care Clinic in Rochester, MN.
Before February 16, 2018: $125
After February 16, 2018: $150
Before February 16, 2018: $225
After February 16, 2018: $250
Student members: $15
Non-member students: $45
LDS Hospital Huntsman Auditorium
E 8th Ave & C Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84143
Come in the far north door on C street, which is the door to the Huntsman Education Center. The auditorium is just right of the door. The room is the LD auditorium in the Huntsman Education Center.
There are two parking garages across the street (west side on C St) and the building on the east side. There is also 2 hr parking on the street. The parking police are very vigilant about the 2 hour parking limit.
How to register:
Online: visit www.utpsych.org
Telephone: Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337
Mail: Mail check to UPA, 5442 South 900 East, Ste. 512, SLC, UT 84117.
On-site: Day of event, registration begins at 8:30 AM