The Utah Psychological Association
PTSD Treatment, and Related Ethical Dilemmas, in the time of COVID-19
Presented by Tom Mullin, Ph.D.
This will occur via live-stream with Zoom and you will be sent a link to join the webinar. The webinar begins at 9:00 A.M.
Presentation: 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
2.0 CE Hours
COVID-19 has impacted most of our personal and professional lives. For many of us, our very core of professional practice has changed as we create our “new normal.” In addition, we need to maintain our competence, responsibility, and ethical practice. COVID-19 is a global stressor from which psychologists cannot exclude themselves. How are these times impacting our abilities to practice, when we may also be feeling the strain. Are we still effective? Are we still there for our clients? Psychologists also need to monitor our own functioning and consider how we can continue to be effective when we are feeling fatigued ourselves. This presentation will discuss many of the ethical questions about the impact of our own ability to provide effective treatment and how to consider responding if there are problems. These ethical considerations will also be put to use in the application to the treatment of PTSD.
One of the core components of PTSD is avoidance. At its surface, this also seems to be the rule for social distancing. Given the realities, psychologists are adapting treatment. This presentation will address some of the ways that psychologists can adapt Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure for the treatment of PTSD.
Learning Objectives:
- Identity relevant ethical codes associated with adapting practice of PTSD treatment under COVID-19.
- Use ethical principles and questions to determine how their practice is being impacted under changes brought by COVID-19
- Describe how to apply treatment of the evidence-based treatments of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) under COVID-19 considerations.
Presenter Biography:
Tom Mullin, PhD is a psychologist and the Assistant Coordinator of the PTSD Clinical Team at the George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salt Lake City. He completed an MS in counseling in 1999 and a PhD in Counseling Psychology in 2005 at the University of Utah. During his tenure at the Salt Lake City VA, he earned VA training certificates in the evidence-based treatments of Cognitive Processing Therapy as well as Prolonged Exposure for the treatment of PTSD. He also works as a PE Consultant as a part of the nationwide Prolonged Exposure roll-out. He has provided PTSD treatment to veterans both in person and through telemental health services to VA Clinics in Montana and Colorado through the VA PTSD Telemental Health Hub. He has also served as President of the Utah Psychological Association from 2015-2016 and continues service on the UPA Communication Committee.
He is deeply involved in training practicum students, psychology interns, clinical psychology postdoctoral fellows, and nursing residents. He holds academic appointments as adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Educational Psychology and Clinical Psychology at the University of Utah.
Registration Rates:
Members: $42
Non-members: $75
Students: $5
How to register:
Online: visit www.utpsych.org
Telephone: Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337
Not a member of UPA? Please consider joining. UPA has historically helped define the role of psychology in Utah and continues to play a strong role in making sure that psychologist have a voice in State legislation, licensing changes, and scope of practice. There are some very real challenges over the next several years that will require the support of as many psychologists as possible. Please visit www.utpsych.org or call (801) 410-0337 to join.