Utah Psychological Association
The Utah Psychological Association Presents:
Presented by Dustin Hammers, Ph.D.
Presentation: 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
2.0 CE Hours
Members: $42 Non-members: $75 Students: $5
Online: visit www.utpsych.org
Telephone: Call Teresa Bruce at 801-410-0337
Not a member of UPA? Please consider joining. UPA has historically helped define the role of psychology in Utah and continues to play a strong role in making sure that psychologist have a voice in State legislation, licensing changes, and scope of practice. There are some very real challenges over the next several years that will require the support of as many psychologists as possible. Please visit www.utpsych.org or call (801) 410-0337 to join.