6 Continuing Education Ethics Hours
15% off your Trust sponsored professional liability policy
Workshop Description:
For almost 25 years, The Trust has been providing continuing education workshops and individual consultations, with a focus on improving psychologists’ risk management skills and strategies. These workshops have evolved from basic concepts and strategies, to a more applied, integrated, and strategic approach to help protect yourself from adverse disciplinary and legal actions.
For this newest workshop, The Trust Management Program reviewed data from over 70,000 consultations provided to date in order to determine which issues and questions are most pressing for today’s psychologists. Topics will include boundaries and multiple relationships, challenging terminations, working with children in the midst of family conflict, coping with disciplinary complaints, and psychotherapy patient requests for legally related documentation.
Course Objectives:
- Describe basic principles of risk management, as applied to several specific clinical situations that frequently arise in professional practice.
- Identify high risk boundary violations and multiple relationship situations
- Recall important considerations when making therapeutic termination decisions
- Evaluate potential risks when working with children in high-conflict families
- Formulate a plan for responding to disciplinary or legal complaints, and
- Identify issues and strategies when psychotherapy patients make quasi-forensic requests.
Presenter Biography:

Daniel O. Taube earned his J.D. from Villanova University in 1985 and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Hahnemann University in 1987, as a member of Hahnemann/Villanova Joint Psychology and Law Graduate Program. He is a professor Emeritus a the California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco at Alliant International University, past Psy.D. Program Director, founder and coordinator of the Forensic Family Child. His areas of professional focus include ethical and legal issues in professional practice, child protection, and addictions. In addition to his teaching and research interests, he has been in private practice since 1990, has served on the APA Ethics Appeals Panel for over 20 years, and taught graduate and professional level courses on ethical and legal issues in professional practice for 25 years. Dr. Taube regularly consults with a wide range of practitioners and community agencies regarding standards of practice and ethical concerns.
UPA Members
- UPA Members on or before early Bird Deadline of February 19, 2021: $125
- After Early Bird Deadline: $150
- Non UPA Members on or before early Bird Deadline of February 19, 2021: $225
- After Early Bird Deadline: $250
- Student members: $0
- Non-member students: $45
Sequence IX is sponsored by The Trust. The Trust is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Trust maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Important Notice:
Those who attend the workshop and complete the Trust evaluation form will receive six continuing education credits. Please note that APA CE rules require that we only give credit to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credits and will not be eligible for the 15% premium discount.
Eligibility for Insurance Premium Discounts: workshop completion earns 6 CE credits and eligibility to receive a 15% discount premium on your Trust sponsored Professional Liability insurance . To obtain CE discounts, submit CE certification with the insurance application. Discounts cannot be combined are not applicable to Researcher/Academician or student policies. Group policies become eligible for CE discount when at least 50% of those insured under the group policy submit CE certification. All applications are individually underwritten and submission of CE certification will not guarantee insurance policy issuance or renewal.
Continuing Education Grievance Policy:
The Trust is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with American Psychological Associations Ethical Principles of Psychologists. The Trust will comply with all legal and ethical guidelines for non-discrimination in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of CE participants. The Trust CE Director is responsible for complying with these standards.
While The Trust strives to assure fair treatment for all participants and to anticipate problems before they occur; occasionally grievances may be filed. In cases where a participant files a written or oral grievance, the following actions are taken:
If the grievance concerns the content of the workshop, webinar, book or the continuing education test, a Trust representative will mediate and will be the final arbitrator. If the participant requests action, the CE Director or a Trust representative will either provide a credit for a subsequent CE offering or provide a partial or full refund of the CE fee already paid.
Actions involving a credit or refund will require a written note documenting the grievance for recording keeping purposes. The aggrieved individual need not sign the note. If the grievance specifically concerns the Trust, the CE Director or Trust representative will attempt to arbitrate.