Good job Utah Psychology Community!
There was so much interest in this CE offering that registration is full. We are unable to accept any more people for this fascinating offering.
What keeps us up at night: An ethics discussion for 2021
Online Webinar
January 29, 2021
12pm-1pm MST
Cheri Reynolds, PhD is the Chair of the UPA Ethics Committee, a licensed psychologist serving in the state of UT since 1984, a past president and proud current member of UPA.
Ashley Greenwell, PhD is a current UPA Ethics Committee Member and licensed psychologist with experience providing ethics consultation in hospital & outpatient settings.
As UPA Ethics Consultants on call, we know the anxiety that often accompanies ethical dilemmas. Join us for a lively webinar with Q&A and timely guidance for ethical practice.
1 CEU FREE for UPA members
$25 for Non-UPA members (CEU included)
Possible Q&A topics:
Winding down/transitioning a practice
Reporting laws & interstate practice
Home telehealth & incidental disclosure
Advocacy in the therapy room
Your rights in managing intimidating or threatening clients
Overstretched & overfull: Resource allocation when MH needs are high
Responding to subpoenas & summons
Psychedelics/Medical Cannabis
UPA Ethics Webinar
What keeps us up at night: An ethics discussion for 2021