Mindful-Somatic Approaches to Working with Acute and Developmental Trauma

A 2-day Experiential Workshop for Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counselors, and Psychology Students
Dr. Paris Williams, Clinical Psychologist
In recent decades, a number of therapy methods have developed that have shown to be highly effective in resolving acute trauma, developmental trauma, PTSD, and other emotionally overwhelming conditions by working directly with the body (via internal sensations, posture, impulses, etc.) in a state of open curiosity (i.e., mindfulness).
We will explore the basic theory and practice of several of the most established therapy methods that incorporate a mindful-somatic approach to working with acute and developmental trauma, including Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing and EMDR. And you will be supervised in developing a number of therapeutic tools that you will be able to begin using right away with your clients.
Northwest Community Center – Salt Lake City, Utah
Date and time:
November 15th and 16th, 2024 (Friday/Saturday) 10am-6pm (both days)
$395 early bird (if paid prior to September 31st); $450 afterwards; tea/snacks provided; lunch is not provided
Attendance is limited to a maximum of 24 participants to maximize learning and support
More details and a registration link can be found at: pariswilliamsphd.com
Workshop Registration Page at Dr. Williams' website
If you have any questions, you can contact Paris directly at: pariswilliamsphd@gmail.com
Paris is licensed as a Clinical Psychologist in Utah and California and is on the Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy faculty as a Certified Teacher. He has a BA in Contemplative (mindfulness-based) psychology and Somatic psychology, and an MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology. He has extensive experience researching and supporting those recovering from trauma, psychosis, chronic pain, substance dependency and other trauma-related conditions. He has worked in community mental health, medical and multi-disciplinary team settings, substance dependency programs, and in private practice. He published the widely acclaimed book, Rethinking Madness, in 2012. You can learn more about Paris and his work at: pariswilliamsphd.com
Please Note: This is a UPA approved event with 12 CE credits.